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    Taipei 結果共1,674筆

  • PLG/林書豪抱愛犬參加冠軍遊行 球迷冒雨支持嗨翻

  • Taiwan’s Legislature upholds decision on reform bill

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s parliamentary reform bill: A vote in the Legislative Yuan fails, with 62 against and 51 in favor, despite efforts for reconsideration. Full details on the vote and reactions inside.
    2024/06/21 16:44
  • Taiwan’s Executive Yuan backs new pedestrian safety plan

    Discover how Taiwan’s Executive Yuan is enhancing pedestrian safety through a comprehensive plan involving the MOTC and MOI, targeting 799 intersections and 200 schools for improvements by year-end.
    2024/06/21 15:39
  • Taipei sees large turnout for, against legislative changes

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s legislative reform debate as the Legislative Yuan prepares for a crucial vote. Civic groups and political movements rally in Taipei, highlighting the nation’s divide on democracy and reform.
    2024/06/21 10:54
  • Taiwan faces scorching summer solstice, temps may hit 36°C

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan as the Central Weather Administration issues heat warnings for ten municipalities, forecasting temperatures up to 36 degrees Celsius on June 21. Learn about the areas affected by heat alerts, possible thunderstorms, and future weather predictions.
    2024/06/21 09:49
  • Taipei police to deploy 500 officers for rally on Friday

    Discover the latest on Taipei’s Legislative Yuan vote on legislative reform and the expected rallies by the Bluebird Movement and Blue Eagle Movement, with 500 officers deployed for peace.
    2024/06/20 17:44
  • 下週要開唱!小男孩樂團米非斷開社交 卻壓力爆棚鬧血崩

    由昌哥、米非、漢斯、阿中組成的「小男孩樂團」,6月30日將在Zepp New Taipei舉辦「老闆!到底行不行?」演唱會,睽違2年開唱的他們,預告拿出渾身解數,這2週展開密集練團,不過團員們成軍9年、默契十足,笑說怕熱門歌曲太多唱不完。
    2024/06/20 17:43
  • MOHW minister backs priority seating on public transit

    Discover how Taiwan’s Health Minister supports the retention and improvement of priority seating on public transport amid recent debates, aiming for more inclusive policies.
    2024/06/20 15:34
  • Three Taiwanese cities shine among world’s happiest

    Discover how Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Taoyuan rank on the Happy City Index, which evaluates cities worldwide based on governance, economy, and more. Learn about the global standings, including top cities and U.S. rankings.
    2024/06/20 15:10
  • Taiwan faces urban renewal challenges with aging houses

    Explore the challenges and progress of urban renewal in Taiwan, where the aging housing stock and recent earthquakes have pushed the need for more effective renewal strategies and government involvement.
    2024/06/19 16:49
  • New Taipei Mayor outlines plans for Linkou Light Rail

    Discover how New Taipei City plans to enhance regional traffic with the potential prioritization of the Linkou Light Rail project, based on passenger thresholds and the impact of the TPASS1200 monthly pass.
    2024/06/19 15:32
  • Taipei envoy’s plane hit by lightning after takeoff

    Discover the harrowing experience of Frank Hsieh, head of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan, as his plane was struck by lightning after takeoff from Songshan, sparking a moment of reflection and a light-hearted conclusion.
    2024/06/19 11:10
  • Incidents reignite debate over MRT’s priority seating policy

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s priority seating policy in public transportation: A proposal to expand the scope under the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act is back to square one. Learn about the ongoing debate, recent incidents, and what’s next.
    2024/06/19 10:52
  • MOEA: Taipei tech park outage not due to power shortage

    Discover the latest on Taipei’s unexpected power outage in Neihu Technology Park, not linked to power shortages, as Minister Kuo Jyh-Huei clarifies. Learn about the measures Taiwan is taking to ensure power stability amid concerns over the Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant’s shutdown.
    2024/06/19 10:28
  • Taiwan braces for 35°C heat, afternoon thunderstorms

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including a heatwave with temperatures reaching 35 degrees Celsius and potential thunderstorms. Stay informed on travel advisories for Matsu and Kinmen due to low visibility and the European model’s prediction of a tropical disturbance in the South China Sea.
    2024/06/19 09:01
  • Taiwan to cull 1.8M hens monthly to address egg glut

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture plans to address the egg oversupply by culling 1.8 million old hens monthly, aiming to stabilize the market and egg prices.
    2024/06/18 16:04
  • Taiwan Railway adds stops for Fulong Sand Sculpture Festival

    Discover the Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival in Taiwan this summer. Taiwan Railway adds extra train stops at Fulong Station on weekends from June 29 to Sept. 1 to accommodate tourists. Enjoy 45 sand sculptures, including LINE FRIENDS characters, until mid-October.
    2024/06/18 11:50
  • 疫情後最猛!台版偶像甲子園7月登場 39組日台泰韓偶像大車拚

    由IDOL KINGDOM主辦的「TAIPEI CITY IDOL EXPO」 即將於7月27、28日一連兩天在Zepp New Taipei盛大舉行。此次活動共匯集了39組演出者,而且不限日本團體,分別有10組日本偶像、19組台灣偶像、5組香港偶像、5組泰國偶像與1組韓國偶像,「TAIPEI CITY IDOL EXPO」因此被冠上「台版アイドル甲子園」(偶像甲子園)的美譽!這也是新冠疫情結束後,台灣最大規模的日本偶像祭典。
    2024/06/18 11:33
  • RIIZE首來台開唱!遺憾無緣芒果冰、珍奶 化身許光漢告白我愛你

    韓國SM娛樂新生代男團RIIZE出道後首度訪台,上週六(15日)在新北市工商展覽中心舉辦「2024 RIIZE FAN-CON TOUR ’RIIZING DAY’ IN TAIPEI」,與超過4000名BRIIZE(粉絲名)同歡。SHOTARO、EUNSEOK、SUNGCHAN、WONBIN、SOHEE和ANTON初次來到台北,不僅搶先公開新歌舞步、中文連發,更獻唱中文歌曲,重現〈想見你〉、〈我的少女時代〉經典場面,展現滿滿誠意。
    2024/06/18 10:25
  • Taiwan braces for heavy rain and high heat, CWA warns

    Discover the latest weather update from the Central Weather Administration: Increased rainfall and high temperatures across Taiwan, with an orange heat alert in Taitung. Stay informed on precautions for intense UV rays and hydration tips.
    2024/06/18 10:22
  • 金智媛台灣見面會可「近距離」互動! 全場實名制祭5福利寵粉

    南韓人氣女星金智媛出道14年,演出過《太陽的後裔》、《三流之路》等夯劇,最近因《淚之女王》人氣再次翻漲,即將展開亞洲巡迴見面會,將於7月21日在ZEPP NEW TAIPEI會粉絲, 票價與座位今(17)公布,共有3種票價及5種粉絲福利,門票將於22日下午13點14分全面開賣。
    2024/06/17 15:49
  • 金智媛見面會台灣場》售票搶票時間!Zepp New Taipei視野一次看

    韓星金智媛見面會台灣場7/21在Zepp New Taipei舉行!ibon售票資訊、搶票時間、票價福利,Zepp New Taipei座位、視野。6/25來台出席Dior活動。
    2024/06/17 15:39
  • ZIPANG OPERA震驚宣布「第5位成員」 撩翻粉絲靠Google翻譯

    由佐藤流司、福澤侑、心之介及spi組成的日本4人男團「ZIPANG OPERA」,昨(15)日於Zepp New Taipei舉行首場海外單獨活動「ZIPANG OPERA 1st Tour 2024 ~Rock Out~ in Taipei」,現場湧進近800名粉絲一睹心中的偶像風采。團員們大秀前一天受訪時學到的中文,包括台語的「哇愛哩」、「打給厚」,spi更搞笑介紹「我是 Vivian Hsu(徐若瑄)」,瞬間為今夜演出帶來熱鬧的開場!
    2024/06/16 07:16
  • ZIPANG OPERA團員要揍人? 放話嗑180顆小籠包「噴在舞台上」

    日本男團ZIPANG OPERA由佐藤流司、福澤侑、spi以及心之介組成,與一般偶像團體不同的是,成員活躍在「2.5次元」的動漫舞台劇、音樂劇中。今(15)天他們將在Zepp New Taipei開唱,不僅是團體首度在海外演出,心之介更是第一次出國!昨(14)天他們抵台後,就接受台灣媒體訪問,人高馬大的spi則放話要吃180顆小籠包,還說可能會吃太飽,直接在演唱會上「噴發小籠包」!
    2024/06/15 14:56
  • Oceanic Beverages to continue trading despite financial woes

    Discover the latest on Oceanic Beverages Co., Inc., maker of Apple Sidra, as Chairwoman Su Yun-le confirms no plans to delist despite financial challenges and rumors. Read more about their efforts to stabilize and future prospects.
    2024/06/14 16:46
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